Data Analytics. Simplified

Analiz helps you recruit the best talent and eliminate changing staff turnover.

It’s for identifying your people and their contributions in adding value to your business.

It’s for creating your ultimate, performing team.

What do we do?

Our aim is to provide you with data to help you recruit and retain the best staff who contribute to your long-term business objectives

How does it work?

We provide you with critical insights about your company from a talent perspective.

By using data and analytics, we are able to advise companies on what works and what doesn’t. We utilise key talent information such as turnover, individual and business performance, investment and training and marry this together with data and insight on what your employees think and feel about their working environment. We develop focused actions and initiatives which help you solve your most critical people challenges.

We work to help you:

  • Understand your company working environment, how to identify the risks and areas of success and how these relate to business challenges.
  • Identify where great performance happens and why it happens.
  • Create and implement impactful actions and initiatives.
  • Track the impact and success and course correct.

Why do you need Analiz?

Data is the key.

Over the last decade data has become a key component of business planning, decision making and operations.
From the production of company accounts to an organisation’s sales pipeline, it all revolves around data. Business data helps paint a picture of exactly where an organisation is at, providing a factual insight to aid future decisions and business growth.

The concept of capturing, analysing, and using data has undoubtedly been a success within most business functions, yet one key area that remains relatively ‘unanalysed’ is employee data.
By employee data we do not mean demographic and employment data. Employee data refers to, in this instance, the performance of teams, the people within them and your business culture.

It is the process of assessing your business, obtaining employee data and using this to inform your decision making around the building of winning teams.

Why would you capture and analyse employee and organisational data?

Capturing and analysing employee data should be undertaken to enhance business performance, aid growth and build successful teams.

This data helps businesses to:

  • Review and determine what high-performance looks like in their business.
  • Retain high-performing existing staff and talent.
  • Recruit high-performing new staff and talent.

People are, typically, an organisations most expensive overhead, therefore their performance should be a key consideration when “investing”.

For example, when purchasing new IT equipment, you will read the specification, ensure that the outputs and performance of the equipment meet the needs and demands of your businesses operation and assess the costs.

Whilst this may appear clinical, it is a data-driven approach that ensures the decision to buy the equipment is justified. The same process, to an extent, should be adopted when investing in people. Whilst you will read their CV, interview them, and gauge personality via an interview or assessment, what should be happening, in addition to this, is seeking to understand:

  • Are they a good fit for our existing culture?
  • Will they help us achieve our business goals?
  • Can they aid the performance of the existing team?
  • How easy will they be to retain?

These questions can only be answered if you capture and analyse employee data, without this the answer to these questions will simply be based on assumption. Too many businesses ignore the business impact of a staff member leaving, for example, the below lists the financial implication of an employee starting and leaving within one year of recruitment:

  • Recruitment fee
  • Training costs
  • Productivity costs (assuming a new starter isn’t at full working capacity for at least 6 months)
  • Training time costs (costs and time associated with other team members supporting and training a new starter)
  • Equipment costs

Through not capturing and understanding the fit between employees and your organisation means that businesses can be making the wrong decision when it comes to employee engagement, retention, and recruitment.

How you can use employee and organisational data to build successful teams

These insights can then be applied to future decision making that is based on facts, not assumptions.
It enables you to build teams that will contribute to success and promote the growth and performance of your organisation. This data can be used to:

  • Identify and rectify issues within teams, departments and culture.
  • Understand team and department dynamics.
  • Promote the right people into the right job at the right time.
  • Optimise individual and team performance.
  • Establish your drivers for employee engagement and retention.
  • Gain insight into organisational skill gaps.
  • Measure and set quantifiable key performance indicators .
  • Create training and development initiatives that will further enhance business performance.
  • Inform your future recruitment strategy.

Understanding the data of your organisation and its employees will enable you to create teams that promote success, grow your client base and win work. By ensuring you have the “perfect match” between people and organisation you will optimise performance and build a successful and winning team.

We are professional and we are informal, the two are not mutually exclusive

Our team is experienced, motivated, diverse and client focused.

We have a proven track record in delivering expertise and quality in all the things that we do.

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